​ Richard “Wing-Zero” Warren  


  • Located in the heart of East Point Georgia, There have been a few installments within our gaming communities.

Special thanks to

  • Erik “J.O.P” Atkins  (Johnny on the Pot) , “The GODfather” for laying the ground work which in turn ultimately became our foundation.
  • Dexter “Truth” Toddman for starting the Original “TekkenHouse”
  • Richard “Wing-Zero” Warren, Edward “Lordiceman” Maxwell III & Micheal “M.I.C._ATL” Edwards for continuing the tradition and helping it shape up to be what it has become today.


We are about doing our part in shedding positive light on and around our community, TKN House is a community filled with upstanding Men & Women in various fields of America’s work force ,Ranging from Graphic Artists to Licensed to carry Security Officers, Electricians to Musicians, Teachers, Event Coordinators, Clothing Designers and more.

We plan to make TKNHouseENT.com your one stop shop.
On this site you will find our “Out sourcing Staffing list” if you are looking to implore we may have the qualified personal to get the job you need done effectively and efficiently, In addition you can take the time to wonder down memory lane by selecting the Player/Community member Bios in hopes of you getting to know our community members on a more personal level.

TKNHouseENT does support itself through it’s weekly streams, podcasts and competitive gaming tournaments, We currently are not signed under or affiliated with any sponsorship groups within the eSports realm, though we are open to the idea of obtaining such support, in the mean time we will continue to put our best foot forward at being the most competitive and entertaining  faction in and out of the FGC (Fighting Game Community), producing great content you all can enjoy.

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