Known to the Tekken Universe as “LTrav2K”, Gamer turned Entrepreneur but still a gamer lol “LeeVanDam” is a successful business man with 2 companies of his own and in association with another, presently working on his CDL in order to expand his Horizon’s, Could there be a new form of transpo for the “Traveling Circus” aka TKNHouse in the works…?
Currently enjoying life in the Middle Georgia Area “LeeVanDam” has been in the scene over a decade in a half and still rocking, though Covid has slowed down live Competition across the Globe, LVD believes in in the art of Competition in its purest form and personal responsibility in all things.
One of the most insightful, intelligent and forthcoming of information, he holds no grudges and is all about growth and understanding, be sure to check out to the Podcast below